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What happened here?!

This blog was launched in 2011, the year the book Purple Leaves, Red Cherries was published.

I continued blogging about motherhood until I found myself drawn to research and write about another part of our life cycles – MIDLIFE!

These days I can be found over at where I am raising awareness about perimenopause and helping women cure their symptoms, naturally and simply.

Perimenopause is a period of change that can last up to ten years prior to menopause.

During perimenopause, many women experience symptoms such as emotional instability, fatigue, tender breasts, brain fog, migraines, skin problems, night sweats and more, without understanding why these symptoms occur and how they can be cured.

Perimenopause is a natural part of our life-cycles and while fluctuating hormones are universal, suffering is not. Symptoms often signal imbalances in life… and present an opportunity to transform.

With my energies focused on a woman’s journey through midlife, I decided to donate my remaining US stock of Purple Leaves, Red Cherries books to Nurse Family Partnership, a nationwide community healthcare program that supports low income new moms and their families.

(If you are still interested in purchasing the book, a limited amount of additional stock remains outside the US – click here for details).

I considered closing this site altogether but as I re-read the blog posts, I realized that it would be a huge shame to allow this amount of good advice for new moms to become no more than a broken link in cyber space. So for now, the site remains and I hope new moms can continue to feel supported and inspired here.

With love,


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