Mother Label
Another round of mommy wars
Stretching women
Into rehashed dichotomies.
Remember virgin/whore?
Now try stay-at-home mom/working mom.
The comparison is
The need
For a dichotomy
To divide women
To label women
To tell women what is right
And wrong
Or wrong
And right.
Have you noticed
It keeps men
And the economy
Out of the picture?
Go on.
Label me!
I was a stay-at-home mom
For six hardworking years.
Now here’s my label:
I chose to be
A stay-at-home mom
I have a husband
Who brings in a salary
We planned
Our three children.
We lived in a nice apartment
With three kids
Sharing one room
In a good neighborhood
With family close by
Supporting us.
And if I had gone out to work
My salary would have covered
The childcare.
I had choices
I am privileged
And grateful.
Now I'm a work-at-home mom
Still privileged
With choices
And the opportunity
To build up my business.
“But what do you do?”
I'm often asked
I explain
And they don’t understand.
I exist outside the dichotomy.
Hard to label.
Still in their eyes
A stay-at-home mom
Spending hours
On the computer
Rather than
They don’t see
The juggling,
My efforts,
The light of my computer screen
In the early hours
As I work harder
Than ever before
Fitting it all
And yet
Still privileged
And grateful
The dichotomy
Other people’s labels
They don’t